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“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”

– Robert Kiyosaki

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Our Mission 
We here at Fervent Financial educate, inspire, and promote financial wellness, by providing practical tools & resources on personal money management which empowers our clients to make wise financial decisions. 

Brittney Johnson is the CEO of Fervent Financial LLC whose passion is to teach, coach, and empower everyday people and children on personal finances to include: budgeting, how to save, how to get out of debt, and the importance of an emergency fund. Brittney believes that many people are ignorant to basic money management skills and therefore struggle and keep going around the hamster wheel making the same financial mistakes.


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How can we help!

Are you struggling living paycheck to paycheck? Guess what, you are not alone. Statistics show 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. If an emergency happens tomorrow, will you have enough cash on hand to cover it or will have to go into debt? Approximately 66% of Americans can’t cover a $1,000 emergency without going into debt. 

We here at Fervent Financial are ready and willing to help you not be apart of the 78% living paycheck to paycheck or the 66% who can’t cover an emergency. If you are ready to break the cycle and begin your financial journey to freedom contacts us. 

Budget Box

Budget Box

Do you know how to Budget? If not this Budget box is perfect for you. Each box has a calculator, budget wallet, budget spreadsheet, and pen. This box has all the tools you need to track your monthly expenses.

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